Monday, May 13, 2013

Murmuration (!) on Lough Derg (on Ireland's River Shannon)

Hello, Friends,

What's a "murmuration"?  If you don't know, don't feel bad.  I didn't know, either!  But now that I've seen one, I won't be forgetting it!

A "murmuration" is a flocking of starlings.  But don't let me ruin the surprise for you:  Just watch this spectacular footage, below, filmed on Lough Derg,* a lake of the River Shannon:

As they swooped and dipped and merged, the intersecting shapes of the starling formations, themselves, sometimes looked like the wing-spreading figures of large birds!

This is all part of the natural wonder of Ireland's River Shannon and her lakes, endangered national treasure and environmental mainstay of much of the country's wildlife, human life, cultural heritage, and economic livelihood.

Of particular interest to chemically sensitive individuals is the fact that Ireland led the world with its nationwide ban (2004) on smoking in workplaces and, as early as 1988, had already outlawed smoking in many public places.

What you've beheld in this video, above, is part and parcel of what Ireland's Shannon Protection Alliance is trying desperately to save from Dublin's potentially tragic interference.  Please see the links on the upper sidebar (top right) to help promote this environmentally worthy cause of saving the River Shannon.

I hope you've enjoyed the video!

Thank you for watching, and . . .


~ Daisies [Carolyn]

*FOOTNOTE August, 2014:  This video was brought to my attention by Mr. Gerry Siney.  Many thanks for the inspiration!  ~ Carolyn ["Daisies," above]

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Amazing Olive Leaf Extract

Hello, Friends,

During my walk outside this afternoon, I had an inspiration to publish the extensive health benefits of olive leaf extract.  I, myself, cannot list all of them, so I located a PDF file from the May 2001 Townsend Letter (which can be enlarged for better viewing) -- which does a splendid job of describing them:

Olive Leaf Extract as a Main Therapy in the Antimicrobial Supermarket - by Morton Walker, DPM

I can report this much from my own experience:

I am no longer a good candidate for antibiotic therapy.  I tend to get frightening amounts of arrhythmias when I take antibiotics.  Even a dentist had to tell me to discontinue the antibiotic after he'd pulled a tooth.  I followed up with other nutritional supplements at that time to keep infection at bay.

In recent years, however, I've been relying on the antibiotic-like properties of olive leaf extract when in perilous dental situations.  It's been amazing.  When there's been swelling due to an infection in the root, I've taken down the inflammation and held the infection at bay -- and prevented any resurgence of infection after the root canals.  Thanks to olive leaf extract, I've escaped the dentist-prescribed antibiotics before and after dental surgery numerous times now; and my healing has always been good.  I gave a supply of olive leaf extract capsules to a friend who had the beginnings of a dental abscess, and the capsules took the inflammation right down.  She didn't need the remainder of the capsules and offered them back to me.  I told her to keep them for another emergency!

Following is yet another dose of well-documented research on the extensive benefits of olive leaf extract:

The Amazing Olive Leaf - by Jeffrey Dach, MD 

And yet another, complete with a noteworthy list of sources on page 2:

Olive Leaf Extract (Discovery Health) - by the editors of PureHealth, MD* 

My own personal choice of olive leaf extract is as follows:

Seagate 450 mg Caps

I've taken between one and six capsules per day, when needed.  I've known others to take many more per day, up to 16 or 18 capsules per day for their Lyme disease.  [Please see medical note at bottom of blog.  Thank you.]

Perhaps olive leaf extract can become an effective part of your own health arsenal, as well.

Wishing you wellness -- 


~ Daisies

*NOTE of July 3, 2015:  The PureHealth, MD link seems to have disappeared.  In its place, I offer this link:  "Olive leaf extract" - by Dr. Ronald Hoffman (   ~ Carolyn ["Daisies," above]

Friday, May 3, 2013

Smiling Faces

Hello, Friends,

I thought I'd feature this special video on behalf of homeless people.  The activity in this video takes place in California, through the organization called Children Helping Poor and Homeless People (CHPHP).

Depending upon the degree of their ability to travel and withstand certain environmental conditions, some chemically sensitive homeless people in California may be able to access this assistance (see video), and some may not be able to.

Either way, the video is filled with such good feeling, such positive energy and real concern, I'm very happy to share it with you here.  May it add brightness to your day.


~ Daisies