PLEASE READ: "A TOXIN IS A TOXIN" - by Carolyn Marra, April 19, 2013

Taheebo.pdf : "Pau D'Arco (Tabebuia altissima)" by Louise Tenney (Cancer News Journal, Spring 1982)

"Olive Leaf Extract - A New/Old Healing Bonanza for Mankind" by James R. Primitera, M.D. (

"Are nightshades causing your arthritis, chronic pain and inflammation?" (Saturday, May 04, 2013 by: Elisha McFarland)

"Facts: Dandelion Tea Benefits" (Dandelion Tea - Everything About Dandelion Tea; by Ruth Kahl Barrett and Joseph A. Barrett, Jr.)

"Glyphosate + Wheat linked to gluten intolerance, celiac disease, and irritable bowel syndrome" (, February 25, 2014)

GMO Awareness - Be informed!

"Giving Up Gluten" (Living Without article by Christine Boyd, June/July 2010 Issue) - addresses the conditions presently known as "celiac disease" and "gluten sensitivity" in a daughter and her mother, respectively.  What is very clear, to me (Carolyn), is that the ingestion of gluten-containing foods in the U.S. apparently caused both this mother and this daughter severe distress and unwellness, as it also appears to do to me.  I, myself, was tested years ago and found to have a moderate level of antibodies to gliadin.  This meant, at the most fundamental level, that I was then advised to avoid gluten-containing foods.  I have not pursued a more specific diagnosis because I have questions about the genetic engineering of gluten-containing grains, themselves.  It is sufficient for me to be reasonably certain, in the meantime, that something in the gluten molecule here in the U.S. can directly cause internal abrasion of the intestinal lining, a "leaky gut," malabsorption, and subsequent nutritional deficiencies with attendant systemic inflammation.   

Identifying toxic fractions of wheat gluten and their effect on the jejunal mucosa in coeliac disease (GUT - An International Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 1974, Dec.) - Fascinating study on three toxic fractions of wheat gluten, one of which was found to damage the intestinal mucosal lining in celiac subjects within six hours.  This toxic fraction (made up of small polypeptides) contained neither gluten nor gliadin.  This rapid damage to the mucosal lining was thought to be more characteristic of a direct action on the surface cells (by the toxic fraction) as opposed to an immunological response (p. 931).  This raises the question in my mind of, "Is this 'toxic fraction' actually a component engendered by mankind's tinkering with the genetics of the wheat/gluten grains?" (Carolyn)

Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil Spray (used by me)

"Broccoli sprouts - Up to fifty times more cancer-fighting benefits than broccoli alone" - by Paul Fassa (October 17, 2011 -

"An Experimental Intervention For Autism - Understanding and Implementing a Gluten- & Casein-Free Diet" (c) 1994, 1997, Lisa S. Lewis, Ph.D. - Describes the hypothesized toxicological opioid effects of gluten and casein on vulnerable individuals

Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef

The Irish Medical Herbalist

"Migraine Headaches: Gluten Triggers Severe Headaches in Sensitive Individuals" - by Scott Adams (, 2001)

"A Reconstruction of the Sensory World of Autism" - by Olga Bogdashina (includes some sensory phenomena which also occur in MCS, Lyme Disease, and other overlapping disorder

Olive Leaf (Olea Europaea) Benefits and Information (

Seagate Olive Leaf Extract capsules (used by me)

"Olive Leaf Extract Benefits Shown to Eliminate Cancer Tumors by Oleuropein" - by Danica Collins, Underground Health Reporter ("oleuropein" spelled incorrectly in title - typographical error)

"The Amazing Olive Leaf Extract" - post by Daisies [Carolyn] (May 7, 2013) - INCLUDES OTHER RELEVANT LINKS RE:  OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT. 

"Experimental study of 472 herbs with antiviral action against the herpes simplex virus" [abstract] - by Zheng M.; NCBI Resources

"Health Benefits of Pau d'arco Tea" - by Loretta Lanphier, NP; March 5, 2013, Exhibit Health

Anti-Viral Activity of Plant Extracts and Herbs - by Jill Davies, Ph.D., 2003, Wholistic Research Company 

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