Friday, March 17, 2023

Foot Neuropathy from Inhaled Chemical Toxins?

 Dear Friends,

Through my many gluten and sugar dietary failures this past week, the perfect testing ground emerged: The only thing I succeeded in avoiding over the past week was exposure to the active burning of incense in the Roman Catholic church I've been attending. The result has been amazing: I can almost entirely feel all of my toes and can wiggle them easily!

I have always had no physical reactions to the brands of incense burned in Armenian and Middle Eastern churches. On the purely physical level: These parishes have seemed to use more organic brands of incense from the Middle East. On the spiritual level: I am a member of the Armenian Catholic Rite. Ever since I became a member in 1994, my soul has been nurtured and formed in this Eastern rite. Both the physical and spiritual realities may now be converging here to reveal that God is urging me to return to attendance at Mass in the Armenian liturgy. It is known that God permits difficulties with diet and/or physical environment to help people realize when they should leave those places and seek harmonious livelihood elsewhere.

Regarding my diabetes, MCS, and foot neuropathy, this experiment also revealed something amazing: My severe foot neuropathy appears to have been either caused or greatly worsened by impure, chemically infiltrated brands of church incense inhaled by me at weekday and/or weekday-evening special church services at the Roman Catholic church I've been attending! I avoided, this past week, being in the church during or directly after those services which included the burning of incense. At Sunday Mass there -- which I did attend last week -- no incense is burned. I ingested both generous amounts of gluten and generous amounts of sugar during this time. In summary: My foot neuropathy correlates less with my diabetes and gluten problem and more with my exposure to the burning of impure, chemically infiltrated incense (and, likely, also, to my exposure to those chemical-laundry-product fragrances which I also succeeded in avoiding this past week)!

So ... my foot neuropathy seems much more related to my incidental inhaling of chemical scents than to my diabetes or my gluten ingestion. 


~ Carolyn

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