Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Impact of Metals

Hello, Friends,

For anyone interested in what heavy metal toxicity can do to a person . . .  You've been reading it here.

What follows is, for me, priceless information (!):

I saw a new practitioner last week who took samples from me and tested . . .  I'm high in many metals,* cadmium at the top of the list.  I see, from the following abstract, that cadmium has a particularly adverse effect on the kidneys:

Cadmium & its adverse effects on human health. By Bernard A. , Department of Public Health, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. bernard@toxi.ucl.ac.be; NCBI PubMed.gov; US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health

I have no blood sugar problem.  My blood sugar is good -- even my calcium is good.  But my ability to digest is very poor.  My Vitamin C stores are completely depleted.  My adrenals are exhausted and I'm inundated with toxins.

Metals.  If I have the courage to take the supplements suggested to me (new supplements always take courage, for me), I might actually detoxify!

The rest of this little report is very interesting.  Last Friday, I underwent acupuncture with this new practitioner.  First, I underwent "colorpuncture."**  This is the shining of colored lights on various meridian points in the body.  This prepared the body for receptivity of the real acupuncture needles -- and, you see, I thought I was escaping this by having colorpuncture, but I was wrong!

So there I was, a pincushion.  A strange and wonderful thing happened.  I'd gone into the practitioner's office with my throat so swollen on one side, it felt like a pillow in there around which the food and liquid had to move.  It was very disconcerting, to put it mildly.

Within a few minutes of all the acupuncture needles having been placed, I felt my throat again.  There was no perceived obstruction.  I could swallow normally, freely.  I had my throat back!

This weekend, I was around chemicals which started it up all over again in the throat.  Today, however, the throat has come down.  My knees/legs/feet, while still holding inflammation, are performing significantly better.  My knees aren't cracking and I'm able to walk up and down stairs much more normally.  The muscles of the knees are now weak, because the knees had been so full and stiff for so long, the muscles couldn't even operate.  But today, I'm doing chores!  I've been sleeping much more normally.

I haven't yet taken the supplement I was advised to take.  I'll tell you why.  I wanted -- indeed, needed -- to see what the acupuncture had accomplished all on its own.  I approach new interventions logically.  Yes, I want to feel better.  But I also want to know exactly what each piece of the intervention is capable of doing, taken alone.  I'll be working up to taking the supplement I'm supposed to be taking.

This is what the acupuncture did for me, all by itself:

1)  It helped me to feel my fatigue once again (I wasn't feeling it because my adrenal system was running in highest gear, all out of whack), and to sleep like a normal person.  The acupuncture calmed down the whole system and reset it at a lower level, a calmer level.  The calming effect began right away, while the needles were in.  It would have been nice to take a nap right there.  That was the goal, and it worked.

2)  I can feel my body finally able to help itself a bit.  After being exposed to polyurethane over the weekend -- and now that I think of it, the smell had been wafting upward to the upper levels of the building I was in for over an hour before I entered the actual room that contained it on the floors -- I felt physically sickened and discombobulated and could only sleep a few hours that night.  As a chemical reaction progresses, I always feel a "cap" on my appetite, as though something "plastic" has settled upon and within me.  It's a nearly queasy and sometimes outright queasy feeling.  This is a signal to me, always, that digestion cannot happen and that I'm in this reaction "for the long haul."  When digestion freezes and appetite cannot be felt, that, for me, is always "phase 1."  "Phase 1" was definitely occurring. 

As the reaction reached its peak, I felt completely undone yesterday, from a central nervous system perspective; but today, I'm doing unusually well.

3)  My knees aren't full to the point of crackling.  I can walk up the stairs and the knees -- although the muscles around them are now very weak from having been frozen in place due to swelling -- are moving normally.

4) I'd been barely able to eat, but now I'm eating a little bit more.  While I can only take in a little bit of food at a time, I can feel hunger again.

This is all wonderful and amazing to me.  I'm so grateful.  I hope to feel better and better and to help others by recounting this experience.


~ Carolyn

*(1) "If a person has a high body burden of lead, mercury, or other heavy metals, those heavy metals are thought to contribute to the development or aggravation of MCS."  Quote from Arizona Center for Advanced Medicine, June 26, 2013.
**(2) I do not delve, myself, into what are termed the "spiritual" aspects of any alternative treatments.  I strictly focus upon the biological realities utilized in those treatments which I believe have a sound scientific basis.  I hope, each time, that alternative medicine is really onto something scientifically based and effective with this or that promising procedure.

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