Friday, May 6, 2011


Thanks for stopping by!  This blog is for chemically sensitive people, those interested in learning about chemical sensitivity, and "green" enthusiasts everywhere.

Although Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is a serious reality, I will keep this blog upbeat and ever-brimming with hopeful ideas and solutions along the way.

My strange and aversive journey into MCS began 20-something years ago with frequent exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke.  It gradually mushroomed over the years to embrace many other synthetic fragrances and substances -- synthetically scented and paraffin candles, natural gas, scented detergents, fabric softeners, air fresheners, mainstream household cleaners . . . . .

Just reciting the list gets me tired!  Not a very exciting pursuit.  There's so much more to think about and live for, don't you think?

But still, we MCS'ers must survive.  The problem is staring us in the face.  There is no escaping synthetic scents or cleaners in any public place. 

This blog, in the most optimistic way possible, will be dedicated to SURVIVAL in a chemical-laden world.

Cheers, for now!

~ Carolyn


Heather Awen said...

What I find interesting is that everything that makes you and me sick makes EVERYONE sick, just they don't notice it like we do (yet). We have no special needs. What we need the planet and species need. Nothing that makes us sick is good for anyone. It;s often hard to explain that accommodating my "special needs" might save someone else's life.

Carolyn (Daisies and Vinegar) said...

Absolutely -- these chemicals can hurt everybody. When we don't feel their "burn," we just don't care how much of them we're taking in. I didn't! When I suddenly began to feel the chemicals' effects after 25 years or so of being on earth, I figuratively gasped inside at realizing the horror of what these chemicals are capable of. I saw that I now had a "window" into how these chemicals invade and destroy the peaceful workings of our bodies. We really need to use our little "windows" to tell others what we see. Thanks so much for speaking out.

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