Friday, October 2, 2015

A Beautiful Life

Hello, friends,

These interviews are so dear to my heart . . .  Gianna Jessen's near-death experience and survival speaks for itself; and I have nothing to add to that.  No matter how many times she repeats her story, it's always eloquent with reality and love.

However, the reason I keep coming back to her videos is not because of her near-death experience or any of the conditions or persons connected with that.  No -- the reason I keep coming back to hear her speak is because of her beautiful, beautiful life.

I could listen to Gianna speak all day long.  Her life is a song of joy and forgiveness that just keeps on singing.  It's contagious.   :)

I feel privileged to have found these videos on YouTube and to be able to share them with you.  May they bring you joy!

Abortion Survivor Gianna Jessen -

Gianna Jessen Tells Glenn Beck How She Met Her Birth Mother | Glenn Beck Program 


~ Carolyn


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