Wednesday, July 2, 2014

From the Outside

Hello, Friends,

LOL, this just caught my eye:  "Meet the Nasa employee whose job it is to sniff everything before it goes into space" - by Christopher Hooton, The Independent (UK), July 2, 2014.

So that's what it looks like from the outside!

Check this out --  I wrote it back in 2011:

Book Troubles (or Strong Scents Clinging to Paper - The MCS Files)

I'm reading a story about a girl whose boyfriend broke up with her because she was reading a book at a funeral.  Prior to that, she'd walked into a lamppost while reading.  Reading while cooking, she'd accidentally started a kitchen fire.

As for myself, I was caught sniffing a book Saturday at the library, checking for absorbed scents too strong to bring home.  The pretty, petite librarian clicked by happily in her high heels when I heard -- and saw, out of the corner of my eye -- the sudden catch in her step.  It was then that I realized the book in my hand was still held up to my nose.

She picked up speed again, thankfully . . . . .

It's a way of life.   :)


~ Carolyn

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