Thursday, September 17, 2020

Seeking New Horizons

Hello, friends, 

Just came across this article and thought I'd share it with you:

10 Herbs to Shrink Tumors and Kill Cancer Cells - Posted by Katleen Brown | Oct 15, 2015 | Ayurveda 

May this information benefit anyone who is in need of hope and a potential remedy.


~ Carolyn

Cat News

Hello, friends,

I'm happy to tell you that our cat, Minette, has picked up and is thriving! She's aging and frail, in her own way, yet newly spunky in other ways.

You simply cannot predict cats!


~ Carolyn

Monday, August 3, 2020

Sad Days

Dear Friends,

Our cat, little Minette whom I referenced in my previous post, appears to be dying ...

The vet, last night, thought she might have a tumor in her mouth. She's barely eating and her sugar is too low instead of too high ...

We're giving her Karo syrup to offset her lack of eating, to give her back legs some energy ...

But our little sweetheart Tuxedo cat, always so gentle, so mild, so docile ... even able to understand our words, at times ... seems to be winding down.

Please pray for our little kitty. This is so sad.

~ Carolyn

Minette Marra, six years ago