Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Photos Alive!

Well, friends, I'm learning how to operate my new cell phone-with-camera . . . . .  Some photos have emerged (see sidebar)!

And now, I must tell you --

I have a WICKED headache!  A headache from the phone store last night (carpets, plastics, cleaners, electromagnetic radiation, etc.), from peering down to learn about the thousands of functions my new cell phone can accomplish, from emailing myself my own new photos numerous times using the tiniest of keys (and often missing keystrokes), and from having cell-phone radiation permeate my house and my body (and my family's bodies) all day.  I feel woozy, wobbly, migrainous -- "buzzed!"

This modernization must be taken in very, very small doses.  I have my pen, lined pad, and file folder ready for when I'm ready to quit technology altogether . . . which could be much sooner than I expect.

Oh, my goodness, electronic living is HARD.  This cell phone does not seem to shut off -- even when I press the "off" button.  A phone call comes in and -- it rings!  So much for leaving it beside me, thinking there's no power flow.  I'm already planning to charge it in a distant room . . . . .

It's an excellent device, however, for taking photos.  My family and I collected some beauties today.

At the same time, the clutter in my mind is multiplying exponentially as I puzzle over how to move, store, and delete information in this "miniature laptop-photo-phone" device.  If I don't master this gadgetry quickly, my sleek little phone will become one more messy, monstrous, virtual file cabinet.

I tried to keep it simple, I really did.  All I wanted was a phone and a camera.  But nothing, these days, is simple.

I see that I will now have to dig up articles on cell-phone radiation and all sorts of things which are going to be very unpleasant to learn.  In the meantime, I'll be very careful as I take my snapshots -- everything in the tiniest of doses.

Happy Glorious Spring!  Cheers!

~ Carolyn

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