Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Higher Things

Hello, Friends,

I write today under duress of an imposing migraine following heavy synthetic-scent exposures, leaving me in earnest search of the mystical element behind this experience.  Well, there was a funeral.  Thursday.  It is, then, perhaps fitting that I experience "'a little' death" following humanity's loss of yet one more treasured person.  I was also given to understand that this person embraced his suffering and death with a smile, heroically.  I am a fool if I don't take that to heart. 

After sufficient torment, this migraine will pass.  And all will be well again.  I should be grateful that my brain has survived so many arterial assaults.  

Yes, I am grateful.  

Never in my childhood did I imagine being repeatedly laid low in adulthood by such innocuous-seeming elements as perfume.  Never, ever, ever.  I wouldn't have believed it was possible.  

But now I know that anything is possible, and things can always get so much worse.  I do myself the greatest favor when I keep my chin up and "hold on tight" right where I am.

So, ironically, I'm writing to explain to you that I am not able to write any more on this particular very early morning.  But I want to.  And I would if I could.   

The important thing is, I'm making contact.  Whoever you are, whenever you alight upon this blog, please take the utmost advantage of the information contained in the various tabs above.  It is hard-won information, indeed, born of the suffering of many, many people who have been pushed out to the margins of society by the ravages of respiratory irritants, nerve toxins, and carcinogens present in many commonly used products.

Please don't let their suffering be in vain.  Please hear the message proclaimed loudly between every line of research and anecdotal information:  Humanity is swimming in excesses of chemicals that can harm many more of us in lasting ways.    

Thank you for stopping by, and please do come back.


~ Carolyn


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