Saturday, September 1, 2012

When It's Not Due to Chemical Sensitivity: Rest Time

Hello, Friends,

My posts have been spaced far apart in time lately.  I've just been exhausted.  In addition, some physical troubles have surfaced which don't seem directly related to chemical sensitivity.  They're simply made worse by it.

For this reason, I'm taking a two-week "vacation" from any expectation of my being able to post on this blog.  Maybe I'll surprise myself and post something, anyway.  But, then again, perhaps I'll just give my mind a rest from wrestling with the topic of toxic injury for two weeks.

I'm sure that both I and my posts on this blog will be all the better for this "rest."

In the meantime, please do check into the information tabs on the top and the featured links on the sidebar.

And know that I have not "given up"!


~ Carolyn 

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