Saturday, December 1, 2012

Fixing What Can Be Fixed - The First Step

Hello, Friends,

Today begins a new journey.  I'm hoping to be feeling much better soon.  Cured of my chemical sensitivity?  Probably not.  But feeling much, much better.

Forced by circumstance to see a physician for a note of exemption due to my chemical sensitivity, I chose an alternative physician -- a true M.D. -- of excellent repute.  I learned yesterday that I've been barking up the right tree, taking my Liquid Kelp iodine.  I need more!  My thyroid, the physician believes, is running on "low."  This has caused systemic discombobulation.

Now, I have the blessing of being supervised in my iodine dosage.  I'm to increase it a bit, very gradually to avoid detox reactions.  As for dairy and gluten -- I was told I must do without.  All dairy -- cow, goat, and sheep.  This was as I had suspected -- but one doesn't want to embark on a program of considerable self-denial without being absolutely sure it's necessary.  This physician was absolutely sure.  I also have my own vivid recollection to consult on this point.  When I did without dairy for a few years back in the late 1990's, I was slim without any effort and had the vibrant energy of a 12-year old returned to me.  And that was just the elimination of dairy -- no total gluten elimination, and no supplemental iodine.  Apparently, I've been iodine-deficient since the 1990's, at least.  That's a long time for the thyroid gland to starve. 

I ate my last morsels of gluten last night. 

The elimination of gluten and dairy, to which I'm apparently sensitive, will serve the function of allowing my immune system to revive in a more normal manner.  The elimination of both antagonizing food groups should have an anti-inflammatory effect.  I've become physically reactive left and right -- hives for touching wheat, hives for touching plastics, hives for walking into a scented room.  I, who characteristically had such low blood pressure that I nearly passed out and was more than once advised to ingest more salt, had a reading of high blood pressure yesterday.  This is very bad.  I mentioned a few posts back that I felt a racing heartbeat after exposure to scented fumes from a dryer vent.  I suppose that's now a truly dangerous thing, seeing that my baseline heart rate and blood pressure are running high at present.  Things are really off the track.

I'm on inflammatory, toxic overload.  The overload is so comprehensive, so vast, that to try to specify precisely which food -- or which chemical -- is causing a particular bout of hives is utter insanity.  The entire body load of poorly metabolized food toxins, to start with, must be dramatically reduced.  The hives, themselves, are no catastrophe.  They have been, however, a red flag of persistent systemic imbalance.

The silver lining -- and the very good news, to me -- is that my posts on this blog have been running in an accurate direction.  The iodine is truly needed and helpful to me, the heart (judging by my elevated pulse and blood pressure) is truly a concern -- especially in the face of chemical exposures which affect it adversely.  And detoxing from foods that are harming me is an urgent need.

So what began as a dreaded medical appointment, yesterday, turned into the greatest blessing.  The doctor and staff were perfectly cheerful and kind.  The office was overwhelmingly peaceful.  The advice was calm and clear.

I write this post for you, today, to provide an update to my earlier posts on these topics, and specifically for any others out there who might benefit from looking into these things for themselves, with their own medical practitioners.

And now that I've written this down, I must find the strength to adhere to it.  One day at a time.  It's the only way.


~ Daisies

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