Friday, February 15, 2019

The Crazy Thirst I Thought Would Never End

Hello, friends,

Where did my insatiable thirst go? Now, I have to remind and coax myself to drink even two bottles of water per day (four cups)! What an incredible change!

Since Thursday evening, February 7th, when I discovered my post-snack blood-sugar level to have been 500 mg/dL, I've got my waking blood-sugar readings down between 196 and 205 (and even a 180 before dinner, one night). Considering I don't sleep many hours per night and I need a small pre-bedtime meal to address actual hunger, this, to me, is real and steady progress! My improved metabolic state brings a feeling of lightness and reentry into the human race. My vision, also, is beginning to improve, as my lens prescription is becoming too strong once again.

My mainstays have become low-fat (2%) plain yogurt of varying brands and types (regular yogurt and Greek yogurt) combined with chia seeds, gluten-free oatmeal flakes, and/or fruit -- with or without stevia. There is no longer any gluten in my diet, as I believe it hiked up my blood sugar dangerously and sparked total-body inflammation (lab results of over a decade ago demonstrated that I should no longer ingest gluten, as my body had responded with antibodies to it). There are no fixed limits to my portions of this food and that: I let my natural appetite self-regulate and then test my blood sugar, later, to see how the sample meals/snack experiments fared, medically. It's been going great! My hunger has increased and is easily addressed with these choice foods. It's truly necessary, now that my metabolism is resetting itself, to feed my cells more of those food nutrients which, previously, they were simply unable to receive.

Walnuts and pecans are my nut staples. Raw cashews, whenever and wherever I can find them, will be another nut staple. Chicken is my new staple meat; and spiced, boneless sardines are my staple fish. Chick peas and onions mixed with olive oil, apple cider vinegar, oregano, turmeric, a dash of black pepper, Celtic sea salt, and cayenne pepper are another staple. Deep green spinach and/or fresh broccoli heads go well with dinner ... The menu is evolving. The real perk is that I'm not only not starving, but I'm also able to eat as much as I feel I need to without driving up my blood sugar, because these foods are truly good for my own diabetes management. Moreover, I don't feel deprived of tasty foods. I'm really happy with this developing menu.

I find "Stevia in the Raw" to be delicious -- something to look forward to with yogurt, hot or cold oatmeal, hot buckwheat cereal (gluten-free!), tea, and/or coffee.

There are sound rhymes and reasons behind these food choices, plus many new points I've learned in the past week and then even revised as I've learned more ...

I'll tie it all together, in more detail, in subsequent posts, as I go along.

Stay tuned!


~ Carolyn

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