Monday, February 20, 2012

Hello, Again!

Hello, again, friends . . .

Has it really been that long?

My overall health took a wallop beginning in July -- during which time the bouts of chemical sensitivity felt all the worse.  Sadly, I was not able to dedicate the focused concentration necessary to maintain and grow this site.

But Spring is in the air early (!), and I take that as a hopeful sign that, perhaps, I can redirect my health back toward sunshine again and start digging up more useful links with which to educate the public about the hidden menace of chemical sensitization -- the blooming of reactions to many similarly-based chemicals in succession.

I begin again today.

Cheers!  Wishing you increased stamina and wellness,

~ Carolyn


Christine Schanes said...

Welcome back, Carolyn! Sorry to hear of your down time, but I'm delighted that you're bouncing back! Keep up the great work getting the word about chemicals and how they can make us sick.

Carolyn said...

Thank you, Christine! It's wonderful to have your support.

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