Monday, June 2, 2014

Where's "Vinegar"?

May 30, 2014

Hello, Friends,

A funny thought occurred to me a little while ago . . . 

Perhaps I'll make a post out of it.  After all, this blog has undergone some changes since 2011.  It surely can't hurt to update readers on the status of things.

When I began this blog in 2011, I wrote under my real name, Carolyn.  Then, I liked the sound of "Daisies" because it went so well with the blog title.  I switched over to the pen name of "Daisies" for a while.  But, all things considered, it seemed simpler and more commonsensical to use my own name.

So, here I am, the same Carolyn, the only author of this blog there has ever been.  The title "Daisies and Vinegar" was, from the moment of this blog's inception, meant to be a catchy phrase combining two natural, fresh-as-sunshine nouns in a memorable way.  It was never meant to denote the existence of two authors!  In-between, I made some title changes which, frankly, didn't work for me.  I then went back to the title "Daisies and Vinegar" -- with the "2011" added now -- and I'm happy that I did.  But -- LOL -- there's never been any author "Vinegar" on this blog, or any other author by any other name.  Just myself.  

There are, indeed, blogs where two or more people participate as authors/arrangers/contributors, etc.  It never dawned on me, until this evening, that people could actually be wondering where "Vinegar" was!  The thought made me laugh -- just imagining someone writing as "Vinegar" . . .

At any rate, in case anyone was wondering where "Vinegar" went -- well, you've read this far and I think I've made the point.    :)


~ Carolyn

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