Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hello, Friends! An MCS poem for you:

           The Dinner Guest

She backed away, and backed away --
they thought she had so little to say.
Her swelling jaw froze into a smile,
face taut now, heating up all the while.
As thunder rose within her skull,
the lively host took her for dull --
unimaginative, slow on the draw
(her vision shaking, sinuses raw).
Electric pulse above her nose, 
throughout her body, head to toes,
left her shaky, feeling slurred
in motion, thought -- in every word. 
The floor swayed gently, like a ship
or a plane in a mildly turbulent dip.
All current was she, electrically charged
by unseen molecules redolent, at-large.

[P.S.  The "she" in the poem is me.   ~ Carolyn]     By Carolyn,  © 2012

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