Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Looking Forward to Hearing from You!

Hello, Friends!

I'd just like to take a moment to urge you to contribute your own comments to my blog -- and your own thoughts in reference to the articles/research pieces I've linked to that are most relevant to you, personally.  You don't need to "sign in" first or type out any letter code.  And there is no one "favored" subtopic here.  I did, however, put HOMELESSNESS in capital letters, up top, because so many of us MCS sufferers have already faced, are presently facing, or might face in the future the actual or potential reality of homelessness.

Also, if you support my effort, via this blog, to increase public awareness of the growing scourge of MCS, I ask you, please, to join this blog as a "Follower."

It would be very interesting to know what your own primary MCS triggering substances are, and what your own experience has been in your attempts to explain your MCS to others.

I am no medical specialist -- just a layperson suffering and coping for years with MCS.  Neither my own words nor my links are meant to replace the diagnosis, philosophy, advice, diet, treatment, or prescribed medications of anyone's doctor(s).  Nor do my links imply that I agree with every single idea of every single author to whom I link.  I am simply following a "general" line of informational relevance in each link I choose.

I provide, here, links to the best pieces I can both locate and link to successfully on the Web.  I choose them according to my own personal experience and observation -- which in the end must be termed largely "anecdotal."   Still, I believe there is a distinct "logic" to our individual MCS anecdotes and to our predictable systemic reactions.  I hope to bring these predictable patterns to the attention of scientific minds who can concretely pursue the more detailed questions these patterns raise.  May these logical patterns of MCS reactivity reveal themselves in my own writing, in your comments/stories, and in the links I can manage to provide.

Also, I wish to state that part of my job, as I see it, is to provide "apologetics" backup for those who are having difficulty getting the MCS message across to others in their midst.  The word "apologetics" does not mean "an apology" but rather the effort to defend, logically, a premise or cause.  I am attempting, therefore, to provide the best "defense" for the reality of MCS that I can.  Your own ideas for the apologetics of "explaining MCS" are most welcome!

Hoping to hear from you soon!  Cheers!  

~ Carolyn

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